Au revoir to e-scooters.

E-scooter companies will hope Paris does not create a trend

A bit of a mixed bag for the ladies overnight. The bad news is that Leonardo DiCaprio is reportedly dating Love Island host May Jama. The good news is that an even wealthier “middle-aged” bachelor is back on the market. Yes, Rupert Murdoch’s engagement to Ann Lesley Smith has been abruptly called off.

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Credit: Midjourney

E-scooter companies will hope Paris does not create a trend

Venture capitalists have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in e-scooter companies, but profits have been elusive. Lime claimed to be the first shared electric vehicle company to achieve a full profitable year in February 2021, with adjusted EBITDA of $15 million.

It does not look like things are going to get easier for these companies if Paris is anything to go by – the city will ban e-scooters from September after a plebiscite was held. A total of 100,000 participated in the vote, with only 11,000 voting in favor of retaining e-scooters. There are, however, 400,000 registered e-scooter users in the city. They do not appear passionate.

The main contention of those opposed to e-scooters was that they were a nuisance that resulted in "uncivil behavior" when users rode too fast. It is not just the taste of a snail the French prefer then, but also the pace.

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